August 29, 2003

today's post: what women want


1. we want you to want us
2. we want to know that you want us!
3. we want you to master application of #1&2 above. trust us, there's other guys always doing it really, really well.
4. we want you to listen
5. we want you to talk
6. we want you to understand & empathize
7. if you can't do #6, we want you to at least do #4.
8. we want you to go out with your friends.
9. we want one of your t-shirts to sleep in with your cologne sprayed all over it
10. we want you to notice anything we do different -- hair, makeup, lipstick, clothes. just look at us often. you'll notice.
11. we want you to be able to fix things. be an expert in something. home repairs, computers, cars, us. just pick one.
12. we want to be proud of you. we want to show you off to other women and brag about you.
13. we want you to be great in that one thing that we love in bed.
14. we want you to be a heap-big success. no matter what you do. as long as your happy & do it well.
15. we want you to hide it when you look at other women.
16. we want to know what your favorite meal is and how to fix it.
17. we want you to hug us when we're angry at you.
18. we want you to tell us when something we do annoys you so we can stop doing it.
19. sometimes we just want to rip all your clothes off and see what happens next.
20. we want to know we got you, but all those other girls want you too.
today's post: not counting chickens

when women are dating new guys it's hard not to let our friends count our chickens before they hatch. while our girlfriends are busy seeing if his last name sounds good on us, we're busy trying to keep some perspective.

and it's not too hard to protect ourselves. it's harder to remain open-minded sometimes. guys, when you read that during a date the girl is thinking "i hope he's not a jerk like all the others" while you're thinking "i just hope i have fun", it's so true. we girls look at every new guy we date as guilty until proven innocent. sorry, but that's the way it is.

sometimes we forget our initial mantra & then we just get in trouble because let's face it -- you're not always nice to us. you are testing us too sometimes to see how much b.s. we'll take. and that really sucks.

oh well, here's to eggs, and looking forward to omelettes if you turn out to be a jerk after all.

August 26, 2003

today's other post: ugh

when you're single, your girlfriends are really important. because you don't have a s.o. (no b. at the end. or wait, is there?) to talk to about all the annoying big and little things in your life, you really rely on your girlfriends to take up the slack.

so it totally sucks when they become the topics of your bitch and moan conversations that they are supposed to be HEARING, not starring in.

it's just wrong when your friend? gets really angry at you for some little thing you are perceived to have done or not done, yells at you in public when you ask why she is angry at you, during the apology conversation -- in which she started out apologizing -- then blames you for everything from not doing exactly what she wanted in the first place, to using the wrong words to say no, to "making" her yell by asking her what was wrong at the wrong time. then trying to make you look bad later by twisting the story when other people ask what happened.

you could almost chalk the whole experience up to a "bad day" -- until it becomes like a drunk energizer bunny.

this kind of thing absolutely unexplainable thing makes any trouble with men look really really simple. thank god i date men. i've always wondered how lesbians got along at all -- let alone with pms.

now maybe i know.
today's post: favorite things:

...good dates!

August 25, 2003

today's post: it's all in a name

if you never want to get a date again, enter your name into the form at this website -- Kabalarian Philosophy -- and tell all your dates how wonderful you sounded. by the way, i am definitely a josephine, not a lynette. ;)

this is great. now i have yet another method to categorize my dates. not the right sign? oops, we're not compatible. the right sign? ooops, you don't sound so good in kabalarian lingo.

right. works for me!

August 24, 2003

today's post:

help wanted:

smart, blond, swf with perfect driving record and with love of LA freeways seeks cute, dependable swm driver with love of boston freeways. driver must be able to pick the lane least taken on a consistent basis while not killing off passengers. swf willing to rub shoulders, feed driver (with fresh home-baked bread mmmmm), pick music, control air conditioner, talk on cell phone, operate windows, read maps, stop and ask for directions, pay for tolls, and buy coffee for said driver.

;) hee hee.