September 27, 2003

today's topic: people

permit me to make fun of online dating again. so there's this guy who sends me what's called an icebreaker on yahoo. what it really means is i'm too cheap to sign up to write to you (so don't expect i'll pay for a date) but i can send you this lame-ass message with options of pickup lines that are so bad you'd tell all your friends about them next monday morning at work.

anyhow, so this guy's header is: "real man desperately seeking real woman". and it shows a nice picture of him in a car, with a scared, pissed-off look on his face, looking like he's just been told he will now be a crash-test dummy. so let's just see what this is all about.

the real man part -- what would you be otherwise? a fake man? a wuss? a wimp? bi? or an invisible man?

the desperately part -- what part of the word desperate do you think is attractive when it comes to dating?

the real woman part -- are you looking for size 10x? (for you mainiacs, that means shade in the summa, and warmth in the winta) or definitely not a transgender woman? what makes a woman real? and why would you need to state a "real" woman as opposed to what? a blow-up doll?

and these people wonder why online dating doesn't work for them. seriously, i should offer my advice services for a fee because i've been told numerous times i appear normal and that seems pretty rare. oh well. no wait, why would i improve the competition? i much prefer to laugh at them.

ok. so on to another topic. beauty and aging.

you only have to look at my mom to know that you can age with dignity and beauty and vitality. i saw another woman that proves that last night. i was walking down state street on the way back from pilates (and ooh, la la, did i ever feel good!) and this distinguished woman with perfectly coifed red hair stepped out of a taxi and waited for her man to pay the bill (smart woman ;). she's dressed in a long blue dress, that modestly splits up the front, and is wearing a beautiful pin. every beautiful red hair is in place and swept up in a sort of chignon perhaps, and her makeup is impeccable. i decide i have to tell her something. so i stop and walk back to her and tell look LOVELY! i don't know where you're going, but i wish i were going there! to my happiness, she looked very pleased (i wasn't sure if she was going to be a british snob) and said oh, thank you very much.

i just know i made her night.

you see, i love telling other women when they look good. for one thing, that really counts. men seem to think i look good in the middle of doing my laundry--which is no doubt true. however, women know when you really look good and you don't forget compliments from other women. especially if they're strangers, and also beautiful, like myself. ok, ok. i am getting a little vain here, but this song IS about me, damn it. ;)

so i now find myself wondering, like princess di, will i be able to age with beauty and grace and find myself full of more character and class every year? somehow i think so. it seems to be working so far...and just look at the good genes i came from! yes, chances are...

September 25, 2003

today's other topic: single by choice -- and proud of it

it is usually against society's norms and married women's wishes that women like me remain single. i've said this before. but in reading about some, uh, dating topics, i ran across the following statement:

(from this book on amazon site, titled younger men, older women...) "Increasing numbers of women are choosing to live their lives as single women."

my first thought? thank goodness i have been able to do that without wrecking someone else's life in the process...just think, women are leaving married life (what i suppose is supposed to be Nirvana) to join my singlehood (apparently the real Nirvana?).

hmmm. i have considered before that i was perhaps the envy of other people who would like to be single like me. now, i know it's true.

sad it doesn't feel as good as it sounds...

oh oh oh. here's another statement, which can be exactly the reason i tend to find younger men appealing. when they have their shirts on and i'm not distracted by the awesome way they look. from the same book on amazon:

"Today more and more women find the men of their generation stuck in an outdated patriarchal mode and the men of the next generation more eager for gender equality." ah yes, this is it.

i think younger than my age, they are younger than my age. like attracts like. well, especially when i also LOOK younger than my age. ;)
today's topic: details

so one of my friends told me he wants more details about my dating life. hmmm. details. as in when, where, how was it?

let me see what i can come up with that is within the bounds of decency. well, that would be just about everything i do! yes, just about. it's that other part that is the most fun.

ok. what should i talk about in a rather general but detailed way. what is it like to be 34 and date guys between the ages of 21 & 38? very very interesting. oh yes, but he was looking for details.

well, hard bodies are great. so much fun to look at. and poke, and punch, and pinch. like l's muscles. yes, it's you i'm talking about. but then you don't (usually) benefit from all the years of experience and other women that can perfect an older guy. so there are tradeoffs. but either age is fun for me. for long-term what would i pick? of course, a combination of the two. in my dreams...

more details later...have to do some more market research first. kidding. i have plenty of existing material to work off of, but then some of it, or all of it, is rather personal & not for general public consumption.

although, i will say, some guys tend to be very romantic and fun and unpredictable. and that, no matter what age they are, is just too good to be true.

ah, i did think of more. so. here's the problem: at my age and being single, as in not married, so probably nearly 10 more years than some of my counterparts, i of course have met more guys and been in more relationships. that presents some interesting challenges because i have now very definite ideas of what i think is a good physical relationship and what is not. and how to actually communicate that without hurting a guy's fragile ego is definitely somewhat like walking on eggshells. which again, does lend some benefits to being with younger guys. well, there are lots of benefits for that. except of course...the desire to actually take the relationship somewhere. so you have to like living in a cul-de-sac i guess if you're an older woman dating a younger guy...

September 23, 2003

so i walk into dunkin donuts this morning to get a tea and as i walk in there's this guy standing over to the left talking. and he says, so all in need is for a blond to walk up to me and say, will you marry me?

so...of course...i walked up to him and said will you marry me?

they're still laughing over there. so is he.
today's topic: mainelining it

sometimes, as i've said before, the stars align and magic happens. for some reason, that was this weekend. as short and wierd as the whole thing was, it was really magical for me. i am such a lucky person to have such great friends.

so i've decided to look for lakefront property in NH or ME. i'm content with renting in boston for now & might decide to buy land instead of overpriced pieces of wood in the city...