February 21, 2008

the song that never ends (or late to scotland, update 2)

update 2 : he wrote back (see end) next move? i'm thinking...

update 1: well, i found the perfect answer this morning! thanks for your comments. i sent the last text (found at the bottom) over to mr. b. this morning, coincidentally, just before reading your en pointe recriminations, which i loved. that's why they were lovely. ;)

mr b: you at the bar to hear the band tomorrow?

me: u have a girlfriend?

mr b: you have a boyfriend? [translation: just how many of us will be cheating?]

me: [smells rat] no. been cheated on. don't like.

mr b: ok, settle tight i have a plan. [translation: my girl is on to me...]

me: so you do have a girlfriend?

mr b: nope.

me: 2 quote kelly rippa this morning, "let's call a congressional hearing. you sir are a laar." [added: Update 1]

mr b: Haha don't lie but would like to buy you a drink. [added: Update 2]
when a book has no cover

i love you, my new readers. this is like a diary that talks back. mine never does. it just sits there, duhhhh. but it has a beautiful cover.

being online - no cover. so ya can't judge it. just the opposite - it judges you! luckily for me, ya'll have been kind to me in my extreme singleton condition.

ok, next episode of multi-tasking for this well-adjusted girl.

i just got a text from mr. blowoff from last weekend, asking me if i'm going to be at the same bar we were at last weekend to hear the band play. intriguing. i only recognize his number b/c i had to dial it a few times when sending that last text back.

did he not mean to blow me off, meaning instead, we'd use his condoms & save mine? which is in fact similar to what he said. however, given that he's not very bright, and doesn't remember that him having condoms at all = not getting any, well, maybe he just doesn't remember that.

what to do. i'm coughing in a not very sexy way, so maybe i should reschedule him.

or NOT...?

i could, in the interim be a wiseass & ask who is this? because of course, i deleted him from my phone in my rage.

or not.

February 20, 2008

half & half

how do you date a guy half way when he's super crazy about you & says you're the only one he's pursuing? and writing you 4x/day (because you're writing back).

i might be super crazy about him back, but i'm not super crazy in general, and tend (big surprise) to be distrustful of unsolicited vows of celibacy by men.

there has been no discussion about what i'm doing or will plan to do, but supposing mr. possibility or mr. florida both show up in march, as they have indicated intent, i will need to remain a 3-man girl. or a 3-ring circus.

this is the first time i've really resisted jumping in with both feet. which of course will make me all the more attractive to him. but like i said, the fall from the initial pedestal isn't smoother anywhichway you make it.

i'm also not inclined, though i'm tempted, to try to lower myself on that pedestal. part of me wants to just say, btw, before you plan on sleeping over, which he would like, do you care if i can sleep at night or not? or that i sleep with, say, ice packs sometimes? or that i get up in the morning and, get up, as opposed to sleeping all day long?

but hey, who reads warning labels? i sure as hell don't. at the most, i'll cut them off. but half the fun is realizing how a product doesn't work like you think it will (especially if it's made in China) so i guess, why would i be any different?

anyhow, these things (like my chronic pain problem) are things one just has to find out. but part of me would like to just shorten the pedestal height at the outset so i don't fall so hard.

no can do.

so i remain half & half. which, according to the book of james, means that i'm unstable in all my ways. (but that is a man divided, what about a woman? hmmm.)

February 19, 2008


it's really hard to listen to your gut, as two-date diva suggested, when your gut thinks many men are indigestible. if "something doesn't feel quite right" but you have no rationale for it, specifically, what do you do?

what if your gut reaction is ... fear.

it's an interesting dilemma.

when you get to be my age & experience, you don't fall easily. in fact, you try not to fall at all, due to many broken hearts.

this makes the guy even more eager to fell you.

maybe i should just get fallen & then survey the damage now, rather than waiting a long time when it will hurt more.

i dunno, it's an odd dilemma any way around it. ugh. my tummy hurts.