June 20, 2010

long-time no write

well, i've been in absentia for a while.

things have been good. i decided not to jinx them.

however. hmmm. a girl sometimes needs a blog...

i started dating this new guy. still am. have a trip planned. and got in a major fight again tonite.

so already this is huge. first potential boyfriend since 2006?! but still. i am not committing. i am waiting to see what transpires...for good reason i guess.

like i said, i have week-long intl. trip planned. and we got in a fight tonite.

now i am thinking how nice it was to be alone. i mean, i fight with myself sometimes, but usually i win. and usually only my cat notices...


anyhow. i am back...for better or for worse.

uhoh. that sounds like marraige vows. hmmm. again. hmmmm.
i see that as revenge...