August 15, 2009

agree with thine adversary quickly, while thou art in the way with him

excellent dating advice, this. it's actually a key premise of Tigress Luv's stuff on

haven't seen it exactly reverse any relationships, but the odd thing about the guys i date, is they keep coming back. new guy won't. in fact, he is not that anymore. i should call him last man i guess.

but nothing like telling a guy he was right to chuff him up. doesn't hurt to end on a little praise...

August 14, 2009

well i sure do pick em

new guy isn't. he's over. he is so bitter at women that it is shocking.

i didn't realize it, but it is so. and it was a no-win situation with him.

i won't talk about it now but i'm just ugh.

mr. NY is just amazing. he just told me the sweetest thing ever. i will write it later.

August 12, 2009


i am wishing again, for the millionth time that i wasn't a woman.

August 10, 2009


new guy just told me he doesn't want another kid. over text. not a text aimed at that, but that's what the content was.

i don't know what to do with that information. needless to say, there go my dreams of kid out the window. kid with him.

i don't even know what i want but i was hoping. i asked him if there is anything else he doesn't want to do again that i need to know.

read: get married.

waiting to hear.

what to do.
being ignored

i'm pondering my reaction to this. new guy tends to ignore things occasionally, last night it was a sexy text i sent. he might not have gotten it, but it is so opposite of mr. NY.

i just can't deal. the anxiety rush is huge and i am just not up for that.

was walking around "looking" at this feeling i had. trying to figure out how it worked. a good step. but ultimately there are deal-breakers, and this is one of them.

oddly enough, it also makes me want the guy more, but i am not going to let that happen. i am just plainly stating what i want from him, no games, and if he's not up for it, let's just move on.