October 30, 2003

i'll be comin' down the mountain...

whoohoo. i'm going skiing with my ski buds again for the 3rd year in a row. how cool is that. :) looks like will be 4 of us singletons and one set of smug marrieds. my newly married friend asked if i had any s.o.'s to bring along and gee i felt like a winner. when that happens--i have an s.o.--i'll put out an APB & no one will miss the news in a 10-friend radius.

seems like there is something to this blowing off guys bit...

i just got a call yesterday from my best friend in elementary school who located my 7th-grade crush, tim, who i blew off for noble reasons like bell-choir, choir, orchestra, string group, Mugar's orchestra, private lessons, practicing, and generally being too busy to date him. then i've regretted it ever since. he is now happily married with two boys, a captain in El Dorado fire dept. in CA, and probably off fighting the fires there. i was looking for him this morning on the news, just in case he showed up looking sexy and haggard.

and i'll be...here he is. don't even recognize him with the mustache...haven't seen a picture of him in 25 years.

well, timothy noel cordero, this bud's for you.

October 29, 2003

gender rolls

sometimes i think it must suck to be a man. this morning on the train i wanted a seat that another guy wanted. i wasn't sure but i thought so. i asked him if he was going to sit there and he said no. so i sat down. he immediately looked for another seat and sat down. i knew he'd grudgingly given up that seat for me.

it must suck to be a guy and know that every time you take a seat away from a woman you're a jerk. likewise, i felt like a jerk this morning for taking a seat he clearly wanted. but that's the way it is: that's the roles we play.

and they start young. did i mention that a few weeks ago a 7-year old boy gave up his seat for me. and you know what? i sat down and said thank you, very pleased, and slid into my new seat as easily as i slid into my role of preferred seating...