August 07, 2009


kitten seems to be adjusting to his new tenure indoors. at the moment he's playing with catnip mouse madly as i type. sweet. play away.

i've had to schedule time each day to entertain him, as he is a very high maintenance kitty. he needs to be kept active and in lieu of the great outdoors, it is the great me that now needs to make sure he doesn't get bored.

because bored leads to whiney & bitey & nah, we can't have that.

so fingers crossed kitten will just forget all about what is out there and love the great person who is me and enjoy eating and playing & watching birds & doing all the things that indoor kitties do.

August 05, 2009


so i was going to see a therapist. awesome, i thought. all my friends will be happy. and my dates, lol.

she seemed nice. convenient.

and then i got the cancellation policy. $130 if i forget an appointment. WTF? or reschedule. not required if i schedule within the same week. well, what if i can't reschedule?

i told her i'd think about it. nothing in my life costs me $130 if i forget it...

well, catty went out & got ouchie on his leg. "of unidentified origin." and yours truly let his shots expire. by what, 5 weeks. so now he is "at risk" for rabies and under house quarantine.

honestly i'm not sure he'll make it. if he doesn't i'll have to have him put down. that is everyone else's opinion. but makes sense. by make it, i mean survive being indoors. the other stuff i'm not so worried about & neither did the vet seem to be, but IT IS THE LAW.

lawful are we.

also wanting to try to remake him as house cat. right.

so i picked up some catnip which my (now not sure) new guy recommended & a laser tag playtoy that the vet recommended. he is in love with the laser. just in love.

he's so smart he soon figured out he could anticipate it. then he realized he could control where it went - by just not following (upstairs again? nah). then he determined his favorite place to play is the couch. after that, he started trying to find the correlation between the light & the little thing in my hand.

but still he remains entertained.

last night i made a complete laser show for him, tracing circles around him, the wall. we are both entertained.

so he's eating, sleeping & playing more. but happier? not sure. def not more affectionate. but heck, he is company now...not being gone for 2 days at a time.

we'll see how kitty makes it 5 long months. or how moi does.

August 02, 2009

new guy IS

well, seems i might actually HAVE a new guy. i went to hear him play this weekend & he is an impressive musician. i mean great musician AND performer. his band rocked and really engaged the crowd, meaning all ages. they are a party band & they really were good at it. did i say i was impressed yet?

met one of new guy's crazy ex girlfriends. he calls them the 3 sopranos. the third one is such a b* that this is what she did. so we're standing around in line for beers & he sees her. they start talking & i have no idea who she is, but immediately note she is absolutely gorgeous. like model type. i kind of stand back & give them room to talk, as is the guy she is with, who is looking rather pissed.

new guy introduces me to her & her to me. then i hear her talking something about there is this girl that wants to come hear him play. i'm like WTF but i pretend i can't hear b/c of the other band playing. so we walk away & he tells me who it is. i'm like, did she just talk about other women that want you in front of me? he was like yea, she's trying to cause trouble. she was asking who you are. yes. i was 3 feet away.

he tells me there's a reason why she's and ex and it is clear to me what one of those is. she has just broken every girl & guy code there is.

of course i don't think he handled the situation that great either, but in any case, goes to show what kinda balls she has to talk like that with me right there.

so i'm under the assumption that if i want this to work, it might. i think i do. i saw a lot of stuff that i liked about new guy this weekend, not the least of which was he is a good musician. gotta have some real respect for that. secondly, he seems nice, normal & very sweet.


in other news, i changed all the curtains in my house today, put on a new futon cover & am redecorating. bah humbug. tired of things the way they are...