been around the world...
well, i'm back from my mediterranean cruise. never, never cruise on holland america. just FYI. you may miss the boat b/c they change the shuttle schedules without warning. plus the women are bitchy. who needs that. if you go, make sure it's on celebrity cruises!
anyhow, i had a great trip. and i'm back to my life again. which includes of course, my continuing saga with single men. and myself.
sometimes you have light shine upon you that gives you epiphanies. my latest one is that i tend to date men that are emotionally unavailable. very convenient if you really don't want to get that deep into life. but i do now. so i guess i'll have to experiment around with dating men who ARE available. though they generally appear more flawed than unavailable ones because you can actually get close enough to see their imperfections. ah, sometimes travel is good for the soul.
so begins my quest to meet an emotionally available man. assuming that one can put all of those words in the same sentence & have it make sense... ;) i'll let you know how it goes.
first step: lose the ones that aren't out of my life. that's in progress currently and damn, housecleaning is NO fun.