October 30, 2007

when curiosity doesn't kill the cat

something there is that loves a mystery. and not only during halloween, but whenever the lights go out...

the trick in any relationship is to keep your cat curious. kill him with curiosity if you can. create a chase that he can't resist, through dark alleys and around creepy corners. entice him to plot & plan, smacking his lips with the imagined taste of you, so that like my last boyfriend the night i finally kissed him, said - "i've been wanting to do that for a long time."

the problem with cats is that if they don't get killed by their curiosity at night, they lose interest in the bright light of day. corners are no longer creepy and things don't go bump in the dark any more. that's the point at which a smart girl has to create some illusive mystery to compensate.

and herein the problem lies. while i am smart, i tire of being illusive even more quickly than my cat, leaving him ramming his nose into my little a** when i stop running. this doesn't create a particularly pleasant experience for either of us, as he imagined that i was a toy he could chase forever down the dark allies of his imagination. or get killed in the process, immortalizing him forever as a romeo killed in the pursuit of love. nor am i particularly fond of exchanging these sexy dark allies for the bright expose of any relationship that makes it into the light of day.

to add insult to injury, i tend to be particularly successful at running from cats i'm not interested in, while rolling over and playing dead to those i find attractive. while in the world of dogs this might work, it does not generally work with cats.

so i ponder my quandary from atop the window-sill, in the sun (which is perhaps my problem right there, desiring to learn the mysteries of creepy night crawls). and instead of coming to some impressive conclusion, that would impress any feline, or female for that matter, i again fall asleep with my tail curled round my head.

which just goes to show you why i'm single...i like lying around in the sun.

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