"yes dad."
which is what i actually said. yup. that's not sexy. sexy is
"YES DADDIE...give me more." which i never say. but some people think that is sexy.
so then i was to eat more, (no), just "half" of more (no).
the arrangements around how i should be doing things continued throughout the time we had together, and included a few more very-small-but-interesting actions that portrayed his belief he knew better than me how things should be done.
fast forward ...and i really had a hard time figuring this out. this guy seemed really cool. why was i so upset?
i will say it really all started with something other than the food thing, likely the fact that his eyes didn't light up when he saw me. so right there you have a definite "hmmm" on his part. which is def overcomeable with a shorter dress or something fun like that.
but the part where i'm not doing the right thing every second, especially that i don't know how to eat right just, um, sticks in my throat.
so, regrettably i had to tell the foodster, through my actions of not calling him again pretty much, that i could feed myself.
some days i really wish i didn't have to. but let's just say - when in a pinch...i can get the job done! (so says the extra 5 lbs i'm carrying...)
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