August 17, 2004

rockabye baby in the treetop...when he rolls over the cradle will rock

sleeping alone. i love it. since i'm a bad sleeper (people with FMS usually are) i have various and sundry ways to make me sleep better. and all of them would involve waking someone else up.

i must admit one of the perks of being single is sleeping alone. upside down & backwards; turning this way and that (that is usually better; though one time during a storm, this was); throwing pillows around willy-nilly (willy-nilly doesn't mind if you throw pillows around him. he just doesn't like them thrown at him.)

so if i get married, that means i have to learn to sleep with someone else. how am i gonna do that? 35 years of sleeping alone & then whoop, there it is.

there's just gonna have to be some rules that's all. here's my trial run:

1. he cannot snore. ever. i can snore a little if i don't notice.
2. the room cannot be too cold or too hot or too stuffy or too windy or anything like that. it must be only one of anything.
3. he must be cuddly, warm & huggable -- all through the night.
4. he must

hmmm...what did i say up there about rocking the cradle? i think my little list is running amok. heading in a different direction. leading me on. i think i'll take a short commercial break while...yeah, i'll BRB!