November 20, 2004


well, i'm back. i've been a bit well, remote lately, & uninteresting. So I decided not to write. At the moment I'm not too pithy and full of little dumb sayings either. But hey, i'm back. and writing in caps and non caps. hmmm.

so i've decided to stop being single. so then i will have no blog. that works. ;)

continuing to choose to be single means that, in my case, you have to turn down people on a continual basis. that gets old. and at some point you wonder where are the people you don't have to turn down. or, are they right in front of you and you don't see them. i'd like to think the first, as i tend to be a bit flexible in who i date, yet can't seem to find the basic requirements. i think it's the irish catholic northeast. oh well.

someday my prince will come riding up with a nametag on him that says "it's me, silly" and then i'll know for sure. unless of course they all read this & decide to buy a horse & learn calligraphy. :)