March 22, 2008

in praise of brevity

my new scanty nightgown (pictured in past blog) is just heavenly. now when it makes it through the laundromat super-duper-dryer it may be half the size, but then when i start my new brazilian-bikini-lifesyle (as opposed to diet) i might be too....

speaking of brevity.

mr. ny and i are right in synch. that is to say, we are both succinct.

no long epitaphs. just calling me "sexy" speaks volumes. no need for more. how do you spell relief.

5 or 10-word sentences comprise whole e-mails and while some would chafe at the brevity, i am reveling in the fact that a man can actually do what he says he's going to do. (maybe in fact, because it's so little.)

in person whole concepts are discussed somewhat obliquely but with precision of speech. blink twice & the topic is over. really, once you know the answers, what more is there to say? after you find out, it's time for action.

and, to my surprise, with mr. ny i have yet to discover incidence of overpromising or underperforming. or use of poor judgement in either. this is not only rare, but suitably appreciated due to the my recent innundation of words that meant so little.

i am a woman of few words, maybe because i write all day long at work. in real life, make your point or get lost.

i guess i like quickie conversations. in and out.

and it's done.

March 20, 2008

the more things change, the more life gets better

well, i feel very successful.

2 of my exes - mr. busy & mr. possibility - are now returning my calls immediately, i mean calling back just b/c they saw i called. before they know what i want to say.

this is quite unusual, and means i've again earned their respect & ... anticipation! these two guys are the ones that i fell apart over, & they truly saw me at my weakest & relationship-worst. but, time heals all wounds & so does a new behavior pattern.

very happy.

i'm trying to make them both feel successful all the time. since they're very high achievers, i'm working on everything being great, you are the best baby. i'm also doing this with mr. ny. who was actually quite interactive yesterday, so maybe he actually was busy. maybe.

i haven't been good at making guys feel successful in the past. this is a recipe for disaster for most men, and definitely for very driven guys. since those seem to be my favorite kind, i guess i should be quite pleased that i'm finally able to change my behavior so it is now ... enticing.

my next goal is to keep up mystery. being a taurus i give that up way too soon. & since driven guys also like a challenge, i need to make a special effort to put that into the mix. sigh. that is SO hard for me. but since i like mystery so much in them, i guess, why not do it myself? i like mystery so much that i deliberately don't ask questions - because i like not knowing the answers. (that is, the ones other than, are you married?)

countdown to tomorrow, when i see mr. ny. i am crossing fingers that in the light of day, he loses all attraction & i say to self, self, he would make a great friend.

ha. wish me luck. ;)


on the note of change, what have you ladies noticed that you have been able to change about how you relate to guys - & how is it working??

March 16, 2008

sexy in my own skin

every time i watch meg ryan movies i want to be her. in fact, i once went shopping for a loung-wear makeover so i could look & feel as relaxed & sexy as she looked.

problem is, new england weather is damn cold, you wake up sweating in the middle of the night if you use a down comforter so cotton is ugh, and...the dryers shrink all my clothes.

with that trio of problems, i relegated to karen neuberger nightgowns. not sexy

so, in case you have the above dilemma - check out some cool designers like skanty. :) (shown at right)

or p.j. salvage (shown at left).

if you're in the market, check out this site (but not the prices on it).

k, sexy sleepwear coming right up.

oh, and, i just bought a brazilian (salinas) bikini this year too. it's gonna be a hell of a sexy summer for me! :)