September 05, 2009

exercisin - or see rule #28 to the right

a lot has happened lately. in an odd twist, i couldn't handle the kissing style of new guy II, the really sweet friend-of-a-friend that i had by accident ended up dating from i decided to keep dating mr. divorcee (the guy i meet at the meetup group a couple weeks ago) as when i called to break it off i ended up still liking him so much and his little marketing campaign for himself that i decided to keep seeing him. and i hooked up again with mr. acquarius, the guy that i called new guy a few weeks back.

life is odd in my single land. just when i think i know what's up - it's not.

in cat land, my little rabies-quarantinee attacked me the other day and bit me up, nothing to do with rabies i don't think, but his general little demon streak. then a few nights later i actually got into a swatting fight with him after he bit me and i bopped him back. then the next morning he is sweet as pie laying on my chest purring. wtf is wrong with this little kitten.

i'm at my sister's right now in her new condo just lovin' it. on vaca for the long weekend seein' who is to be seen (mostly her) and helping her unpack as she just moved in last week.

so the theme of this blog is exercisin. ok. so back to the future. in the future of me, i need to be as distant as mr. acquarius is with me. it's a great exercise. and one i need to take on as an exercise. i get very clingy when i date and it sucks. for everyone.

the other night before i met up with mr. acquarius i had an interesting evening. we had just finished an alumni reunion for current and past employees of my little company. i was out with a co-worker/friend for yet another drink, and when we were at the bar the bartender, my friend's friend, was talking about how clingy women annoy him. (that's me.) i was like hmm. this is what it does to guys. hmmmm.

anyhow, in my drunkin but happy state, i try to continue the convo i'd had with mr. ny the night before about meeting up. aka overnight. no response. (turns out he feel asleep early!) anyhow, i get annoyed and think. hmmm. i've been having all these sexy e-mail convos with mr. acquarius. wonder what he's up to? so i root around for his # which of course, i've deleted in my angered state over the past few weeks. finally i check my personal cell and voila. what? a text from him 3 hours prior, wanting to meet up! i'm like uh, i just got your text! come over. he's like, uh, i'm at home now (45 min away). i'm like anndddd?

so he came over. and we had the best night ever.

funny how not dating anymore and lots of sexy talk can do that to ya.

so of course i'm online thinking how i can fix this little annoying clingy part of me, and reading on the dxpnet boards about acquarius. and i decide that the clingy side of me has just got to go. these news guys i'm dating want to keep seeing me b/c - newsflash - i don't really care about them.

and just like the bartender said the other night (in a conversation HE started, not me) if you want a guy to be crazy for you, just treat him like all the guys you don't really like.

so. i'm exercisin. results to come...