October 29, 2003

gender rolls

sometimes i think it must suck to be a man. this morning on the train i wanted a seat that another guy wanted. i wasn't sure but i thought so. i asked him if he was going to sit there and he said no. so i sat down. he immediately looked for another seat and sat down. i knew he'd grudgingly given up that seat for me.

it must suck to be a guy and know that every time you take a seat away from a woman you're a jerk. likewise, i felt like a jerk this morning for taking a seat he clearly wanted. but that's the way it is: that's the roles we play.

and they start young. did i mention that a few weeks ago a 7-year old boy gave up his seat for me. and you know what? i sat down and said thank you, very pleased, and slid into my new seat as easily as i slid into my role of preferred seating...

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