December 21, 2003

moving right along

there comes a point when you're my age (34) that you figure your life may not turn out the way you thought. (marraige, kids, house w/ picket fence). so you start working toward alternate plan b...which means all of the above in an order optional to your particular preferences. though it makes sense to get the car before the house, and the house before the kids, and marraige somewhere before the kids, we now have the option of bucking society's preferences and doing it all wrong.

i just might do that as i have stable job with probable actual "career" making reappearance after long hibernation during the economic downturn. this morning i found out that i can get prequalified for the amount of house i want ($ amount that is, not SQF being in boston!). might be a good thing to get all that in order & get self some equity before addressing the kids issue...

it's an odd thing to be contemplating buying a house by yourself. one tends to imagine it filled with loving family. but then there is the point where you want an investment and you are TIRED of strangers tramping over your head in a 3-story and banging things at 1:37 a.m. and then of course, you have to plant yourself in one of the most expensive cities in the US where home/condo ownership is NOT cheaper than renting but only about 5 times more expensive and there you are saying hmmm. yes, i too could pay $349K for a condo to have some little dog with pink toenails run around on the floor overhead...or...i could buy a house for the same amount and not have the little dog with pink toenails run around on the floor overhead. see, that's where the house makes sense, no matter who lives there. excepting the little dog with pink toenails.

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