October 11, 2004


anyhow, so on to someone new. oh, but not the guy who i sat down next to on the train this morning. who started talking to me. who told me his name is jean pierre and that he makes pastries for a lead restaurant in boston. who told me he was the top-selling real estate agent in the next town last year. who lost his license for a year. (why? and WHY did he tell me this?) whose fingernails were DIRTY like a mechanic's. right. like i'd want to eat his pastry. like he'd be making it. he wanted my card or whatnot so i had him write his phone # down on something i was carrying. so i could think about if i wanted to call him or not. ok, i thought about it. not. but hey, the guy was cute and props to him for making the effort. it kinda made my day start out all nice. he did a good deed. hey, at least someone wants me. (him, and my ex's best friend. hee hee.)

so. the new guy is a cute guy on yahoo who wrote to me. he is a year younger than me, looks cute, is tall, has a good job & looks good with a baby. (what is it with guys and baby pictures? girls wouldn't be caught dead posting them unless they HAVE them. is it like a guy's way to fulfill a girl's dream? "baby, you pick me, you'll have my baby, baby". hmmm.

oh well. more on cutie later. ah. who actually calls HIMSELF cute. hmmm.

too many hmmms. time to quit.

night night.

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