May 21, 2008

chicken or egg?

squeaky & i had a visitor for the past couple days - my favorite cousin. we had many interesting discussions about men, both of us being single & roughly the same age. she referred me to this author/lecturer (alison armstrong) who LOVES men.

i really like the concept. i think i'm gonna try to absorb some of the attitudes. reminds me of a friend of mine, a smart, beautiful, chinese woman who wrote an essay so in praise of men that it made my cry.

i asked my cousin why she thought the antipathy toward men started. she thought it was the feminist movement....hmm. i wonder if that's it. or did it cause the feminist movement?

1 comment:

Two Date Diva said...

Being someone who truly adores men, but doesn't necessarily need them, I think we sometimes make an enemy of those we wish to be more like. Women wanted more equality so they made men the enemy. I've seen it in business as well. One person is jealous of another's success so they make that person an enemy or a competitor.