July 31, 2008

sharin' the love

i love my blog. especially with you interactive readers.

it is like this cool diary that talks back...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your blog too. I don't often leave comments but can really identify with you and trying to figure out men and relationships too.

I'm 48 and just recently figured out that men don't think and feel like we do. Weirdest thing... I always thought they liked intimacy and closeness the same way we like it. I really need it. Also weird to me was finding out that a man can and will have sex with someone he does not like, will continue to have sex for as long as it's available with someone he never intends to be in a relationship with. To me that is totally foreign because having sex over a period of time is a relationship. At least to me it is - to a man it's not.