July 20, 2003

today's topic: men of action.

gotta love a guy with a plan. the only better thing than a guy with a plan is a guy who knows how to pull it off. do ya know what ya want? do ya know how to get it? great. we're impressed.

there's nothing more frustrating than someone who's not sure what he wants. there's nothing worse than playing the daisies game. especially if you count badly like i do and start on the wrong phrase for the number of petals you have.

the reason is.....we're not sure what we want either. but we're supposed to be unsure. we're supposed to see what YOU do & then decide what we think about it.

so boys, get your thing goin on & even if you change your mind later, at least we got a chance to see what's up. at least you made a move. even if you didn't pass go and collect $200, at least you aren't stuck in free parking the whole game.

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