September 18, 2003

today's post: gender gaps

there's something i don't understand. it's a known fact that men and women are different, but as it relates to certain things, why is this ok? for example...

when men are under stress they tend to contract and focus. i understand this. it's great. it allows you to block out everything but your objective and get it done efficiently.

when women are under stress they tend to expand and get distracted. i too understand this. it allows you to get lots of things done at once, something women are known to be very good at.

so why then, are women expected to do more than men when it comes to the family, housekeeping and things like that? because they can? a women gets stressed & she starts doing it all. no matter what it does to her, she'll get it done. a man will say screw it, i'm just getting this one thing done, let the rest go. what happens when there are kids involved? the woman expands her attention to take care of the kids. does a man shut them out?

in my experience this is totally the way it is. and i think it is very selfish. personally i think it is very selfish of men to shut out people and obligations because they happen to be under stress. let a woman try it for a day and the same man screams bloody murder.

what am i not getting about this picture? am i extremely biased, uneducated, just had a bad experience, think all men are like this when they're not? or am i right and the inequity of jobs-performed-while-under-stress is a fact of life?

there must be a man somewhere who is able to do everything at once. or else...there must be a women somewhere who can say screw it, i'm under stress, let everything and everyone else go to hell. i'm just gonna focus on THIS and get it done.

i don't know what reality is. but that's my perception anyway...and in marketing guess what? perception IS reality.

and...this must be the reason women have the kids.

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