April 30, 2004

it's raining men, hallelujah

ever since i decided that to get more love, i have to give more love (and this is not in the 70s kind of way), i seem to be attracting love like a magnet.

in the "who's new" section of my life i have a date on tuesday with a guy off yahoo personals, some lawyer who does auto racing on the side.

in the "who's out" section of my life, i have a funny story about a guy who i was writing to on yahoo for months. a gyn-oncologist who works like a dog, as he puts it. since the dog-days of summer are coming up, that doesn't appeal to me too much. but in any case, he wrote well. and seems, that's all he did. after writing to me for months (god only knows why i wrote back that long) he decided it was time to get back with his ex girlfriend again. so fine, bubye. then i saw him on the site again a couple months later & decided to see what was up. no more ex? so i wrote to him. he wrote aimlessly again once or twice, and then since he doesn't have the cahunas to meet me, decides that he is "planning" and i quote, to date some girl exclusively and therefore won't be able to meet me. in my head i wrote back the following response: "dear workaholic doctor, that's good that you wouldn't want to meet me because you are planning to date someone. it protected me from cheating on my soon-to-be-husband, which i plan to meet and marry in the next couple years or so. i'm so glad you protected both of us from throwing ourselves at each other in the coffee shop and engaging in wild sex, and dishonoring those we are planning to date at some point in the future."

in the "who's still on section" two of my buds are keeping in touch, more than usual, and it's awesome. i wouldn't mind a little more of the touch, but it's a little hard across a dozen states.

in the "who's on first, what's on second & i dunno's on third" section, is a friend who i've gone out with a few times but can't figure out what he actually thinks. that seems to work ok for me too, so seems we'll leave it right with the bases loaded & no one knowing what the hell is going on. much like the world series last year.

and of course, in the "you can't touch this section" there is a new guy at work who is to die for.

all of which is useless of course, me still being single and all, but very entertaining and whatnot, leaving endless possibilities for nothing to happen.

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