October 23, 2007

singlehood: the land of the free & the home of the brave

well, i'm back to being single again for about 1 month. (not counting the time since the july post - you see how long this trip to single-hood took! i got a little lost along the way. need a GPS next time...) anyhow, good for me. got a little of my mojo back, thanks to 3 ex-boyfriends-cum-friends that conveniently show up between break-ups. (if they don't happen to show up on their own, i help them out a little bit.)

i should call them my break-up squad. yes, they're my BUS boys. :) gotta love good exes, like bad pennies, you don't want to pick them up again but they're useful in a pinch.

i've broken up so many times you'd think i'd written the book on it. this time it was particularly hard though - and actually took me a few months to pull off. that little "fling" i thought i'd have just morphed into Break-up III & i have the scars to prove it.

since the breakup 2 guys have invited me to hawaii, another to new york & the third is saying he loves me. the other night i made out with another hot guy & had 2 more lined up.

and as you know - it's the big fish that got away that captures your imagination. the ex factor. or ex facto. or EXF. you know, we should have an EXF channel. (maybe we do.)

ok, well, i'm rambling. truly Break-up III has left me with PSTD. i'll get over it soon. let's see, will it be in NY or Hawaii??? hmmm...

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