March 26, 2008

Happiness is....

Ok, i'm tagging myself it...from two date diva's and princessb's posts.

1. Snuggling in bed with a good book while it snows 13.5 inches outside and I have nowhere to go.

2. Snuggling in bed with a hot guy after [x-rated comments deleted by author]

3. Blasting my car radio like a ghetto girl :)

4. That euphoric feeling after I dance like a princess/slut with my sexy argentinian teacher at my tango class

5. The energy of anticipation before I travel

6. Stepping down from the stage after giving a kick-ass presentation or musical performance

7. Seeing my artwork on the wall. Anyone's wall

8. Listening to my guy talk & just enjoying the sound of his voice

9. Rereading my writing/blogging & just marveling at how sometimes the words come out just right. (I write for a living, so it's not ALL about this blog, though is!)

10. Starbucks, when you really want it


Two Date Diva said...

These are great! Ex-rated activities?!? You go girl!

~**Dawn**~ said...

I *love* it when the words come out just right.

Anonymous said...

I SO need take dance classes...can I borrow your teacher?

Love the anticipation of travel and #2....that's all I'll say about that!