February 04, 2009

sexy texting

here's why you don't do it when you're dating someone else. you can slip up.

i didn't. at least with that. but it reminded me why i am not seeing other guys right now, even though we don't have an official status.

last night i sent a text about my doc to...my doc. instead of my gfriend. sweet. it was rather innocuous & happy about the upcoming trip, but still. how easy to screw up...

so orlando is on. v. happy. we'll see how things go. he is ticketed & planning things.

now the q is - what to do for v-day. hmmm. what do you do for a first unofficial v-day anyway? i'm thinking...

this guy continues to make me very happy. i like. since i'm getting closer to him, i'll probably be writing less, out of respect. about him that is. me, i can always write about me.

after all, that's what this blog is about.

go me.
go me.
go me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yeah, it is a conundrum when you actually like a guy to not want to tell all his secrets.