February 08, 2009


i think i mentioned this b4, but planning a trip with a preparer & a procrastinator is an interesting exercise. it requires some skill & lots of patience. on both sides.

since i've traveled so much i have pretty definite ideas about how to figure things out & what i want, especially when it comes to my flight & sleeping plans. however, that doesn't sit so well with a red-blooded male who wants to have the solutions. my solution is to provide options & ideas & let him make the final decision. at least about stuff that is negotiable. even that is hard though. ideas are not particularly feminine, feelings are. so trying to talk ideas with a guy who wants to plan is a sensitive issue.

i've been out of r-ships for so long that these things haven't come up. i mean the most discussion i've had is around why a guy is NOT showing up, not around HOW to make that happen. it's a great problem to have. just one that super-independent-me is a little uncertain of.

the good thing is i am learning some communications skills that let me address exactly what i want to say when it needs to be said, & my doc is all about that too. so there is immediate discussion around sensitive situations. that's way cool. i mean really super awesome. none of this resentment building up over anything, just say hey, & you fix it right there.

i'm pretty happy with how things are going. my emotional needs are being met for the first time in, years?, how many exactly? so that makes me very satisfied. yes. this is good.

i don't know how else to say it but - i think this guy is great. now it's up to me to help him keep feeling that way...

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