June 07, 2009


well, the new guy just left. mr. meetup.

i spent the day with him, or the latter part of it. had a great time. check out johnnie on the side's near the garden, and damn, you should go. it's amazing. johnnie showed us all around the stuff - including a rug from the oval office et. al. (he says.) it's amazing. anyhow, it was a reggae brunch. & the sox game was playing on a screen behind the band. reggae & redsox. you can't beat that!

am just kind of in a warm fuzzy. we watched kungfu panda & were cozy & i'm all a bit warmed up inside.

it's a cold world out there & he makes me feel warmer. as we were watching the movie, the thought came to me that he is good company.

i think i'll more of him. i know he plans to see more of me. we'll see...

i like.

1 comment:

The running yogi said...

OOOH! YAY! That's all I have right now. But YAY!