July 26, 2009


well, my kitten for company - wasn't. he's gone. 2 nights now. i'm worried he won't come back. i imagined last night (or heard) him yowing when i called for him, so today i did a short walk of the houses & didn't hear him b/c the wind was blowing. i figure later today if he doesn't show up i'll go look in all the windows of the houses around b/c that's where he'll be if he can be.

i really hope somebody didn't take him. i need to call the girl that said he visits sometimes. hopefully she's not feeling bad for locking him in & then trying to make friends with me. ooh i think evil things of people. i will call her this p.m. if he doesn't show up.

otherwise what do you do. he wanted to be an outdoor cat, not much i can do.

sad. new guy was playing a gig last night so i spent the evening alone. no kitty either. waaah.

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