April 02, 2016

welcome back to me!

So after many years of wandering in the wilderness of love - I'm back!!! Hello everyone. Or, I mean that lone person far, far, away that stumbled on my outdated blog by accident after drinking far too much in the middle of the night. I hope I cheered you up anyway!

Long story short, I ended up dating a wonderful guy for 4 years...and that ended something like a year or so ago now. He's happily moved on (though I miss him fondly, sigh, but do still enjoy all the gifties from his generous ass) and I've happily not moved anywhere.

I tried a few guys on for size here & there. But they mostly didn't fit. Aka, I'm back seeing-single again! With more adventures.

I will include these in the next blog, as this is more of a welcome back to me.

So now that I've said that...let's move on!

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