July 15, 2003

so ok. here it is folks. or folk, as you are reading this on your own i assume & not with the aid of other peeps.

seeing single implies that this blog is about being single. duh. smart ain't i. so it will be about being single. as at the moment i have things to say about the subject! (don't i always)

there comes the fine line between writing realism and having ones exes or dates read it. a problem all blogs encounter. however, i will try to approach that line carefully, balanced on one leg, and just barely touch the line with a toe without falling over it. you've seen how that's done. it's probably called toeing the line or something obvious like that. (but that implies one actually touches the line.) anyhow, i will try to cover the topic without either exposing myself to current dates or curious exes. yet make some sort of sense, and make this somewhat meaningful to other singles who have such full lives they'll never read it. ha ha.

so the topic of the day: scornful marrieds who cover their jealousy of us singletons by pretending WE are stupid, negligent and otherwise incapable because we have turned down offers for marraiges that they themselves have swamped themselves in, whether happily or unhappily

you've seen those people. they pat you on the head (sometimes literally) and say "you aren't married yet?" trying not to make the YET in capital letters. but they can't help themselves. and you want to smack them for their idiocy yet you can't because of the baby on their arm.

more later...


so where was i. scornful marrieds.

well, let's see. statistically, if 1/2 of people are about to divorce, then which 1/2 do i think are patting me on the head? the envying 1/2 or the happy 1/2? seems to me if you're happy you don't need to gloat about it. skinny people don't usually gloat about not being fat. they just are happy being skinny. you don't really think about overweight people, not to gloat or anything. it just isn't an issue. i'm skinny, i worked hard to get here, i look good damn it.

the only time i need to gloat about being skinny is when i FEEL fat. then i have to compare myself because i ALREADY feel bad.

am i everyone? no. but using my bad analogy, someone who is happy where they are is happy & doesn't really need to make themselves better than someone else to feel good. that's a form of insecurity which is what -- NOT being happy.

so. scornful marrieds. you don't think that i realize you were a bitch in college? and why would you change now? and how does your husband like you that way? or you live a life of denial so even if you weren't happy being married, you could never admit it to yourself.

ugh. no bitterness here. no. just being pissed off at people who think being married is ALL THAT. i'm sure it is to some people, but what are chances head-patters are in the good 50%?! not likely.

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