July 18, 2003

today's topic: me!

so i bought a new url. seeingsingle.com. since it's already the name of my website & blog, i figured it fit. and no one had bought it yet. idiots. so here i am proud owner of a brand spankin' new url. hmmm. spankin'. hmmm.

anyhow, my friend suggested i make a portal site for singles. v. interesting. a good rainy day project with little returns but the entertainment value for me. but whatever. isn't that what it's all about when you're single? you got no kids so you have time and money to spend on junk.

so today it's all about me. me. me. after all, i am from the me generation. i'm not a boomer & i'm not a gen-x, so i'm a me. me me me me me. i'm also apparently still hungerover from last night.

so how does it feel to be me & single. wierd. very wierd. my view on the world is probably typical of other singles who watch their friends get married, have kids and divorce before we're ever married. then we're dating divorced people who were with one person all the time we were running around dating people.

so exes. so let me just rant for a minute about exes. who says it's ok to go on and on about your ex if your divorced but taboo to discuss your exes if you weren't? have you ever read those dating advisors who say don't talk about your exes on a date? well, shouldn't that apply to married people too? i don't really know actually, should it? i mean you have some sort of interest in this contractual agreement that was broken & what are chances of it happening to you also & what they've learned from it, but somehow it's just not very cool to talk about your single exes back. if he says my ex this, why can't i say my ex that? (is this because i'd have to say my ex four times removed or my ex that was really good at _______?) anyhow, for some reason i think miss manners would tell me not to. well, screw miss manners. i'm tired of twisting my stories around so that my exes become my friends. divorced people don't have to do that. they can just let their exes be their exes. no, i don't like the fact that my ex is not discussable, while dp's are. i don't like it at all.

the only way it's good is that...the one who does less talking learns more. so ok, ok, bring on the ex talk. and you can just WONDER about mine and hope to god you are half as good as they were. ;)

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