November 02, 2007

a guinness virgin abroad

well, when i was watching the world series down the street (YEA RED SOX!) at the new rehabbed local bar, i decided to become a guinness girl. it was either that or stella (i told myself), & i picked guinness. it sounds kinda powerful & smart.

so tonite i run over to the package store to pick up a 6-pack & my standard bacardi backup, & then i get an onion pizza. sit down & watch my fav sitcom & i'm like hmmm. something's in this bottle.

so first i think it's ice. then it doesn't melt. then i think well, maybe it's a finger. you know, like it got caught off, stuck & froze there. kinda like the wendy's fiasco. then i wonder if it's just a fluke. like a part of bottle drifted off & went & hid there during processing. but since my beer still tastes ok (not like on draft, but not terrible), i keep drinking. waste not want not.

so i get about done with my guinness & turn the bottle upside down. this little thing looks kinda like a contraceptive or a little boy's body part. i'm thinking, well, either i won a prize (i actually looked at the bottle & no, there wasn't any where's waldo on the outside) or this is supposed to be here.

i of course can't call my friends & let on that i'm crazy for not knowing what this little thingymabob is, so i go online.

turns out i am the proud possessor of a rocket widget. the latest in beer foaming technology.

of course i can't take my widget out to play, because it's stuck in the bottle. which is a little dissappointing because i'd like a new toy that looks like a little boy toy rocket. i'm a little frustrated actually. i have a widget to play with and no way of getting it out of the bottle.

thanks guinness. it was a great beer but what about my widget? when does it come out to play?

1 comment:

Two Date Diva said...

Okay, I am officially jealous, I want a widget to play with too.