November 27, 2007


k, this is a self-revelation post.

1. seeing single sucks.

that about covers it. don't let this blog convince you otherwise.

you know what it sucks, too. well, that's on a good day. ;) or night...

so that means it doesn't necessarily suck in a bad way, at least all the time. ok, am i convincing you otherwise? ooops. dicks have a way of doing that.

2. i've wished i were a guy nearly my whole life. i think guys have more fun. i think women have much sexier bodies & i wish i could have sex with them AND be straight. since i can't, i'll choose straight. thank you very much.

there, i've come out of the closet.

i'll take a single, straight-up, with a twisted dick.


Two Date Diva said...

Okay, now that I have shot Pepsi out of nose and all over the computer screen (thanks for that by the way)I will try to respond accordingly.

Yeah, being single does suck sometimes, however I am convinced that a great FWB helps the get you through the rough times. Preferably a younger boy with stamina and smoldering looks that can be at your beck and call on a moments notice. And for God's sake do not settle for a twisted dick, you're better than that girl!

Glad to see you posting, I was having seeing-single withdrawls ;)


Anonymous said...

Guys don't have more fun. We get dragged to flea markets and shopping centers and are forced to feel ruffles and lace all day long, then when we get back home, we can't relax because we have to watch mini-fashion shows and answer questions like, "Does this make my butt look fat?" And if we choose the wrong answer to this trick question, we have to sleep alone.