January 27, 2008

in the trenches

so yes, my profile is still up. getting few e-mails lately. oh well. i'll just expire soon & keep dating all the exes that are popping up.

one guy was a bright one. on yahoo. he wrote to me several times, seemed anxious to connect. so on a whim i invited him to my friend's concert the next night. no response. three days later he writes, sorry i haven't been online. i write back, that's odd. yahoo shows that you were online in the last 24 hours. ha. i want another liar like a hole in my head.

i went away for the weekend & on another whim called a guy i've known for years but we had a falling out (b/c he was a workaholic & then when i got upset said some really mean things). so we reconnected over dinner & he now seems to want to reconnect even more. asking me if i could move there, am i seeing someone else, why did i call. i told him i had feelings for someone who wasn't available right now. i just can't trust a guy who says mean things like that though. we weren't even dating. can't even imagine what he'd say if we were married.

last night i met another old friend for dinner & he's coming to visit.

so life is interesting in my single land.

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