March 05, 2008

20-20 hindsight

this is when seeing single is a bitch.

i'm very shy & this is a cold & insular city. so to lose one's group of girlfriends & best friend in particular is shocking. in fact, i haven't been more shocked at something since i found out my dad wanted to divorce us. (not a freudian typo.)

when one doesn't have an SO, well, you have your friends & your g-friends & your family. losing any of these makes for a long, cold winter.

but then, what have i lost? seeing yesterday's events makes me wonder...


bachelorette: calls me to make sure i made it home ok on the bus, was i ok?

me: yes, i'm fine, thanks! no worries.

bachelorette: brings up my drunk friend topic.

me: i'm glad we were able to ditch my drunk friend without hurting his feelings. i've known him so long, i'd hate to make him feel bad.

bachelorette: well, i just don't care about people's feelings when they're not being nice.

(ohhhhhhhhhhh. yes. i see that now.)


bachelorette: sends e-mail to thank everyone for coming out to party

me: writes back, thanks for getting us out to party for you. pix up soon!

me: puts up pix. is now done with the whole situation, thank you very much.

apparently my new best friend: writes thank you to me for putting up pix, thank you to mr. ny for showing us a good time.

bachelorette: writes to mr. ny telling him to come visit and we'll show him around.

(uhhhhhhhh, we? showing My boy around? i'm glad you appreciated the pix, btw, you're welcome.)


bachelorette: calls me 3 times yesterday, never leaves message.

me: i don't pick up.


~**Dawn**~ said...

I love the opportunity for interaction that a blog can provide. I have met some fantastic people through mine. Some that have become real life honest-to-God friends. And this from a girl who is pretty darn quiet & shy.

Anyway, about the whole "friend" (fiend?) thing. All I know is that girls have a tendancy to be very... complicated. It makes me laugh when I see women get all woud up by someone saying this, because it's true. I am a woman & I have no problem stating that women are complicated & mysterious creatures. I think that's why I have a balance of male & female friends because if I had all female friends, *I* would go insane. I need the balance.

Wendie said...

Ah yes...just blogged about the same thing the other day. The death of a friendship (almost 30 years long thank you very much). And yes, it is a cold and insular area....don't suppose you are in MA? It is hard to make friends around here...and at 35 it seems like others my age have already made their friends for life.

Wendie said...

Duh...just saw that you ARE in MA...I can read...I swear.

Violynist said...

well, i know i post from the NEast, but yes, I'm in MA. You guessed it! ;)

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel about the friends thing. I have a smaller group as some of them defected to X when we split this fall. Which is ok. I'm not very much like them anyway as it turns out.

I also had a death of a 21 year friendship and it's really hard, but for the best.

It IS hard to meet people though. I have a couple of guy friends now again (didn't have them when I was married. Too complicated) but not enough to balance the drama. Women are amazing, but complex! Guys, well, they are pretty simple.