March 05, 2008

the plot thickens...

in an effort to maintain good will on earth, i finally call back bachlorette who has called me yet again. on the trip she overheard me talking to my new best friend about how to get to her wedding. she has called to tell me she did not invite my new best friend to her wedding & in fact, her guy doesn't want her there. he gets "bad vibes" from her.

nice. this girl was invited to her bachelorette party but not the wedding. this girl also chipped in $115 for drinks sat night for the group. i think she should get her money back.

bachelorette then tells me she's going dress shopping this weekend, aludes to me coming along.

for why?

i'm so confused. whose opinion should i trust? i guess my own. talk about bad vibes, i'm getting bad vibes from this whole fricken' wedding-selection-rejection process.

i'm keeping my new best friend, thank you very much.


Unknown said...

Weddings are extremely stressful times. I have been best man at numerous weddings. As a matter of fact, last night I had a dream I was best man at a wedding. We had this amazing bachelor party...

Anyway, that was totally an aside. I have seen so many misunderstandings and full understandings that turned out to be nought in the end.

Invitations are a nightmare. They are often taken care of well ahead of time and can't be changed. The person you think is in charge of decisions isn't always fully in charge of decisions (there can be a committee). A lot of the worst in people is brought out in weddings (comparing yourself to others, comparing what different people got you, did for you, and so on).

I just try to survive the process, take care of my duties, and make as little noise as possible. People really aren't themselves. They act differently around family and there is so much family around.

What I try to do is not to add anything to the pot that would make it worse. Meaning, I don't retaliate. Usually they get back to normal afterward. If not, that is ok as well. We had enough of a friendship for them to earn my participation in the wedding, but afterward I can make decisions based on behavior.

I am rarely in the crossfire, but I get to see a lot of other people get in the crossfire. I try to give them this advice: get through the wedding, then make decisions.

~**Dawn**~ said...

I don't know... this Bachelorette sounds like a real piece of work. I do believe there is some sort of etiquette that says you don't invite anyone to the shower or bachelorette party that is not also invited to the wedding.

Hmmmm... New Best Friend is not invited to the wedding. If you end up not finding a suitable date, maybe NBF could go with you. >=]

Anonymous said...

Dawn makes an excellent point! You can bring whomever you like! I brought a friend with me once and a couple friends brought other gal pals to my wedding. It was really fun!

And yes, it is rude to invite someone to the bachelorette party and not the wedding. That is one crazy bride you're dealing with!

Two Date Diva said...

Inviting someone to parties where girts are exchanged and/or food drinks are bought and then not inviting them to the wedding seems a bit odd. I could see it if it was a small family wedding and the parties were held after. But I dunno, sound like a case of bridezilla gone wild.