May 26, 2008

i do. you do? let's go!

the other day i walked down to the dollar store to pick up some kitty accoutrement. i passed some girls dressed up like the prom, who had parked & were running toward the church. the bride and bridemaids were waiting outside, with the poor bridesmaids wearing lime green dresses that i can only imagine the bride picked in her most evil moment of the year. (me now thinks all brides end in zilla. ;)

after visiting my 3 favorite dollar stores, i walk back with my new purchases (including fun things like hydrogen peroxide for kitty scratches and armorall car wash) and - voila. the wedding appears to be over!

i am so surprised at this, that i look around to make sure. sure enough, the same two girls are headed back to their cars.

my first thought was: wow, that was an expensive few minutes for her, i bet she spent more than i did.

ok, yeah, well she came away with a man & a whole new life, whereas i'm only washing my car and protecting myself against smelly-cat, but whatever. i still thought that, so there!

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