August 05, 2009


well, catty went out & got ouchie on his leg. "of unidentified origin." and yours truly let his shots expire. by what, 5 weeks. so now he is "at risk" for rabies and under house quarantine.

honestly i'm not sure he'll make it. if he doesn't i'll have to have him put down. that is everyone else's opinion. but makes sense. by make it, i mean survive being indoors. the other stuff i'm not so worried about & neither did the vet seem to be, but IT IS THE LAW.

lawful are we.

also wanting to try to remake him as house cat. right.

so i picked up some catnip which my (now not sure) new guy recommended & a laser tag playtoy that the vet recommended. he is in love with the laser. just in love.

he's so smart he soon figured out he could anticipate it. then he realized he could control where it went - by just not following (upstairs again? nah). then he determined his favorite place to play is the couch. after that, he started trying to find the correlation between the light & the little thing in my hand.

but still he remains entertained.

last night i made a complete laser show for him, tracing circles around him, the wall. we are both entertained.

so he's eating, sleeping & playing more. but happier? not sure. def not more affectionate. but heck, he is company now...not being gone for 2 days at a time.

we'll see how kitty makes it 5 long months. or how moi does.

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