February 21, 2008

when a book has no cover

i love you, my new readers. this is like a diary that talks back. mine never does. it just sits there, duhhhh. but it has a beautiful cover.

being online - no cover. so ya can't judge it. just the opposite - it judges you! luckily for me, ya'll have been kind to me in my extreme singleton condition.

ok, next episode of multi-tasking for this well-adjusted girl.

i just got a text from mr. blowoff from last weekend, asking me if i'm going to be at the same bar we were at last weekend to hear the band play. intriguing. i only recognize his number b/c i had to dial it a few times when sending that last text back.

did he not mean to blow me off, meaning instead, we'd use his condoms & save mine? which is in fact similar to what he said. however, given that he's not very bright, and doesn't remember that him having condoms at all = not getting any, well, maybe he just doesn't remember that.

what to do. i'm coughing in a not very sexy way, so maybe i should reschedule him.

or NOT...?

i could, in the interim be a wiseass & ask who is this? because of course, i deleted him from my phone in my rage.

or not.

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