February 21, 2008

the song that never ends (or late to scotland, update 2)

update 2 : he wrote back (see end) next move? i'm thinking...

update 1: well, i found the perfect answer this morning! thanks for your comments. i sent the last text (found at the bottom) over to mr. b. this morning, coincidentally, just before reading your en pointe recriminations, which i loved. that's why they were lovely. ;)

mr b: you at the bar to hear the band tomorrow?

me: u have a girlfriend?

mr b: you have a boyfriend? [translation: just how many of us will be cheating?]

me: [smells rat] no. been cheated on. don't like.

mr b: ok, settle tight i have a plan. [translation: my girl is on to me...]

me: so you do have a girlfriend?

mr b: nope.

me: 2 quote kelly rippa this morning, "let's call a congressional hearing. you sir are a laar." [added: Update 1]

mr b: Haha don't lie but would like to buy you a drink. [added: Update 2]


Trish Ryan said...

I followed your link from your great birthday comment at Two Date Diva. I don't know the backstory here, but it seems like a good sign that you know there's a rat...

~**Dawn**~ said...

This kind of guy is a perfect illustration of why I have *really* difficult time trusting people.

Wendie Tobin said...

Girl...he answered a question with a question...didn't we have a conversation the other day about the "non answer"? Pinch yourself one more time...hard...just so you don't forget. He's a firm and fixed "NEXT!"

Wendie Tobin said...

Love it!

Hope you aren't offended by my commentaries. I try to be mellow but my inner bitch gets in the way.

Anonymous said...

Oh, good line! I'll have to use that...possibly sooner than I'd like to think.

Violynist said...

yeah, this is pretty funny. thanks for the comments back.

he's obviously like sh**, i missed a good thing. what should i do about that?

love to have a guy in that spot, especially a playa. ultimate success. :) score 10 for me!