January 23, 2009


well, i was able to easily resolve the little "convo" (as cosmo would say) with my doc by telling him i do want to hear everything he observes about me. but if he can just tell me first what's coming & then follow his comments up with lots of "you rock!" at the end, i should be just fine.

i said i had this manager at work that i told "you'll get the best out of me if you start everything with - 'you are doing a great job! now can you do _____ different?" & he sure got a lot more work out of me that way!

he laughed at my description & all was ok.


i guess that's one way of asking for what i want while still being light. yes, apparently it can be done.

in other fun news, i was interviewed by a reporter & was quoted in the AP. 75 different news sites picked it up including major papers around the country, so it was fun to see self as first quote. this is the second AP story run i've had this year, though in the first one only 15 papers ran it.

mr. busy called me yesterday with drama. he's been dating a psycho who found a nice note i left him when at his place in september. she apparently thought he was cheating on her, although that was before they started dating. i was fine to get on the phone & talk to her (which is what she wanted) but he ultimately handled it with his impeccable logic. funny guy. he seems very happy for me & my doc, with whatever is going on. but interestingly enough is now probably starting to see me in the light of "oops..."


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