April 19, 2008


this guy's take on FWB is interesting...

"If I ever do find myself in another serious relationship it will have grown from a FWB relationship. If you're interested in the guy go for it. Think of it as a mutual test drive. FWB is a much more HONEST relationship than dating or starting off with the intent of long term. Since it's more casual and relaxed you get to know who the person REALLY is a lot faster because you aren't trying to impress or woo each other. And you're a lot less willing to turn a blind eye to any red flags that pop up. If you two are really compatible it will naturally progress from there."

i kinda like this view...sure saves energy on the game-playing. thing is you gotta be water-safety-instructed. no use realizing when you're in over you're head that you can't swim.

of course, it takes into account, that being a woman, i am swimming in emotion. so there you have it. i've decided no FWB. i want the whole cahuna or cajones, whatever you say. what's the purpose of drowning myself while the guy sails off into the sunset with someone else?



Two Date Diva said...

FWIW, I've never know of a FWB relationship to turn into a real relationship. I'm not saying that it doesn't happen, but I've never heard of it happening. The guy has an interesting theory though.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen it happen either, but that doesn't mean it couldn't. Seems like a guy thing to try.

Anonymous said...

It has never worked for me. I totally fall for the guy and he never got to the same place as me. He seemed able to walk away with no bad feelings and I'm left miserable, hurt and feeling like a fool.