April 18, 2008

just one look

well, to my surprise, mr. ny apparently meant it about being good friends. the "good" was his addition. regardless, i did too. i still tried to help him with a job search & he was like, see you can be nice when you want to be. i replied, of course i am sweet when i can be. (CAN be. as in, you make it possible.)

so anyhow, yesterday i was all emotional about something & since he had said call anytime, I e-mailed & said, this is me calling. how do i handle this, mr. rational?

he called me immediately & we talked through it. this really surprised me as i haven't dated (or non-dated) a guy before who has been so responsive when i ask for something. he asked me if i was ok, which i thought was the sweetest thing. oddly enough, his advice was something i had done already. (i didn't tell him that.) so obviously i thought it was right on. again underscoring why i liked the guy in the first place.

at the end of the conversation he called me "cutie" as usual, which i didn't expect. i sent back a cyber-kiss & a you rock just to make him feel successful. which i thought he needed after the disastrous weekend.

after the drama of the weekend this is a surprising turn of events. i will def keep him in my little black book - just realizing we can make no plans of any kind which i think he will find funny to bump up against. sometimes it's pretty amusing to entrap people in their own behavior & let them see just how crazy it is. oh, i'd love to see you, but since we can't make any plans, why don't you just give me a call & see if i'm still available while you're on your way over. ;) can't wait to say that.

also last night i went out with mr. reporter from ny, an industry contact. he has a girl, which is fine, but we had a great time with dinner & then stopped by this irish bar with live music. i had a blast & just the time i spent looking at him thinking "hmmm, is he still with his girl or not?" was enough time for me to realize mr. ny isn't the end of the line, plenty more guys out there.

sometimes just one look is all you need to remind you - love is right around the corner.

actually, there could be some more love around the last corner, which is what i think both of us is counting on, even though we don't get along well. but it's always more important to see around the next bend than focus on the last one where you ran over the curb.

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