April 16, 2008


well, after all my emotions have calmed down, i am rethinking the weekend & wondering if my friends weren't right to say i overreacted. not in terms of action, but in emotional response.

i'm so tired of rehashing the weekend and my opinion keeps changing so radically as i lose my emotional response, that i've deleted much of it from my blog. however, regardless of this weekend, i really need to figure out how to ACT less emotional and ACT more rational. regardless of how i feel.

any women out there find this easy to do?

let me rephrase. any women out there able to do this at ALL?

yeah, from the proliferation of e-mails from paige parker & christian carter on this topic, i thought not...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you figure out how to do this please post here. I need to know how to contain my emotions too. Men can do it, I can not. When someone hurts or insults me it takes me a long time to get over it. My head just spins with "Why did he...." or wondering what he's thinking blah blah blah. It's a waste of time I know but I can't seem to help myself. Feels like I'm riding a train I can't stop. I hate that!!