October 01, 2008


mmmmmm. did you know starbucks makes french pressed coffee upon request? at least my branch does. i've had it twice now. today it is nursing my jetlag/sicklag.

i arrived home yesterday from LA & promptly took the day off to recover from my redeye flight. even though i got the whole row to self to sleep zzzz i didn't want to come back to work. so i took the extra day to extend my vaca a little bit further and it worked. i feel much more emotionally balanced.

i also got a mood ring, from my cousin. now this is the coolest thing ever. it really works too!!! i am learning how to identify my "happies" from whenever it is blue. which it is right now. i like blogging.

the main takeaway from this "Queen" development conference, which i will be talking about for a while, is the four "Noble Qualities" that are the cornerstone of my life. these nq's illustrate the fact that - i have NOT failed in my life, but rather built my life around them. the fact that they happen not to be widely accepted in femaledom as accoutrements of success matters not. what matters is that - i have embodied my goals and at last i realize - i am me for a reason and i AM NOW the me i wanted to be. this is the main thing i wanted to bring home from the conference and i did. the fact that i HAVE started on life. i am not on training wheels and i do not have to have a house, picket fence, 3.5 kids, a black lab, an SUV and a husband (notice he goes last, lol) to have succeeded.

my four nq's are being

1) successful (for the reason of security) - this is why i get more excited to be quoted in the wsj than at the thought of having a kid
2) connected (hence my online presence & love of friends) - this is why i obsess about boyz, lol
3) healthy (why i love exercise) - this is why i love to dance!
4) peaceful (absence of conflict) - and this is why i keep trying over & over to resolve my r-ships with men

if you know me, and you read my blog, you know these are the cornerstones of my life. but what is interesting that the identification of these in the conference was so roundabout i never realized that i was really ID'ing the fundamental part of me until i went - hey, this is what my whole life is centered around!

this is why i talk about career - and why i keep this blog. #2, being connected, is so important to me, that i spend a lot of time trying to make and keep connections with the men in my life.

ah. my ring is - deep blue.

bloggin makes me happy.

so does...

1) driving
2) reading
3) relaxing
4) being with friends

i love my new me! - no more apologies for not being like you.

not that there's anything wrong with that...

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