April 30, 2009

never make assumptions...

So I finally got it figured out. This is interesting because it shows the assumptions you make sometimes that are so far off!

I thought my cap didn't want to date me again because we didn't get along. So in my reasoning, if that improved, things might change. So I was focusing on getting along.

I didn't realize he didn't have feelings for me. In which case he has no interest in getting along!

Which is why we had a fight. He was trying to cut things off.

I had a thing on FB but took it down that said I finally realized when you're not getting along with someone but you're trying, it's because they don't want to.

Funny how you make assumptions & then find out you're all wrong!

1 comment:

C said...

Sorry to hear that, Bull. Now, time to bring in exactly the kind of man you want into your universe.

P.S. That was me posting as 'Anonymous' before. Was doing it via my Blackberry but it wouldn't let me post a name :-)