October 30, 2008

literary brilliance

some insightful reader posted a comment that the mr. big moniker wasn't original. eh, i didn't feel like posting it since its intent was to be critical, but i appreciated the comment anyway. ok, clearly not a regular reader. doesn't know what mr. big actually refers to, lol. or that i've never even watched 1 whole episode of satc.

anyway. i found that my annoyance was offset by flattery. at the concept that my little blog was criticize-able in terms of literary content. one doesn't generally think a blog qualifies for true literary criticism. i mean, it's just random somethings that i generally edit - sometimes obsessively - but not particularly to make it any certain way, just because some words explain my thought process better than others.

i've thought to self that i need to save my blog. in the past i'd PDFd it and saved it. i probably should print it up. just for kicks. it does have some gems of wisdom scattered about, and now & then i turn a phrase that even i think has some inkling of literary brilliance.

but i would never have considered my silly little boy titles to be worthy of comment. i mean, mr. ny, mr. fl, mr. la, mr. busy, how less original does it get than that? mr. big actually happens to be the most original of all. what does that say for my boyz? maybe i should actually attempt to have their names match the level of feeling i have for them.

ok, well, if that's the case - then i guess - mr. big will still do just fine!

1 comment:

Wendie said...

Blogger hasn't been letting me leave you a comment but I'll try one more time. I write for a website and get told that I suck about 50 times a day. Trust me, it's a good thing to get criticized. Means someone is reading.