November 22, 2008

replicator, anyone? anyone?

very depressed lately & crying in my milk.

if i had any milk...

ok. anyhow. whytf do i have to just refuse to settle? i could have settled - even for the last guy i dated that didn't have sexy breath - & be on my way to a happy r-ship. instead i demand to really want the guy i am with.

and so i am single.


i don't know what i'd do without facebook. friends on there keep me going since i haven't spoken to anyone all day except my cat & the people at the dollar store. of course i turned down a couple invites today, it's not that no one loves me. just not the right people.

mr. ny wrote from his country, yea. i haven't heard back yet from mr. big though who continues to prefer it if i ignore him for days at a time. i'm trying hard to walk away from his rejective behavior but it's just so hard. i've never dated a guy who is more warm & fuzzy when he is around. i'm busy trying hard to get that somewhere else.

anyone have a star trek replicator for sale?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will find somebody who will love you. I know the search can be frustrating but you will.

As for Mr. Big...just let it go. You deserve way more and once you start believing in that, the universe will give.