October 22, 2008


that is skertzo's 4th middle name. he keeps getting more of them. first he was just "squeaky" (cuz that's all he could do) then it was "skerzo" squeaky, then it was skertzo squeaky "schitzo", then lately it's been skertzo squeaky schitzo "velcro." now it's skertzo squeaky schitzo velcro "bastard."

i mean how long is it gonna take to call him to kibbles & bits dinner? i'm gonna have to abbreviate. "come here SSSVB."

today he was being a little whiney bastard about going outside. and me opening windows so he could look out wasn't good enough. he wanted to BE out. so i actually took him outside this MORNING before work, like a dog owner. with his little 15' retractable extension leash. yes. i admit it. i own a wanna-be-dog cat. i feel like i'm in AA.

he was crazy cat, chasing leaves, running here & there, running up the trees, sniffing the water spout, biting at his leash, glaring at me b/c he wants to run free, trying to run through the fence, wrapping himself around & around a bush. gees. i kept him from playing litter-box in the dirt this time, that's his favorite thing to do when he first goes out. that and chase sticks round & round (me) like he's on a track. or rather on crack.

he gets so hyper & excited when he's outside that it's just adorable to watch. he points his little ears every whichway like a horse, his eyes are big & lively & he can't sit still for more than 3 seconds as he listens to all the sounds, sniffs the wind & looks around excitedly for the next fun thing to do.

so i hoped that the little trip outside would calm the little bastard down, but he was still crazy cat & trying to bite me when i took off his little harness.

next time i will not even try to take him out. if he bites me while i'm putting ON his harness he will just stay inside & go stir crazy.

i love my kitty! yes, i really do. most of the time he's a little love bucket (whatever the hell that is). that's probably his next name...

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