October 08, 2008


in an unusually sweet style i put a short note out to mr. jack is back along the lines, of um, what happened [that you couldn't come an hour to see me after i come 3,000 miles to your fricken state]?

i'm awaiting a response i fear is either coming or isn't. supposedly we are supposed to think men have a reason for what they do, so i'm listening.

what i am most likely to hear is either nothing or yeah, sorry, you are just too hot to handle. i couldn't handle seeing you again after all these years, what would i have done? i have no burn insurance. yeah, something along that line would be right in line with what my ego needs now after being dissed.

regardless of what he says, he is not my friend. real friends don't diss you. over and over again. i'm contemplating deleting my new NMFs (not my friends) off of facebook but then ugh. that is so in your face. hee hee.

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